Arc xt plan alameda county
Arc xt plan alameda county

arc xt plan alameda county arc xt plan alameda county arc xt plan alameda county

Los Angeles: bike mode share: 0.9% goal: 7% by 2030 Complete all major multiuse pathways by 2040 (Iron Horse Trail, Bay Trail, Ohlone Greenway, East Bay Greenway)Īre we being too ambitious? Here’s how we compare to other major American bike-friendly cities, as ranked by Bicycling Magazine 2012: City.For example, a )oung girl brought up in a IA orld of birth control ma) have less reluctance about sexual acti it) than her mother had a generation ago. Adequate bike parking at all major transit stations by 2020 Inevitable generational differetices come into play.50% of bikeways meeting design guidelines by 2020.Adopt Alameda County Bikeway Design Guidelines by 2015.Bicycle mode share of 15% in North County by 2020 and of 5% in the Central, South, and East County by 2020.We are asking for the Alameda CTC to set goals of: .Alameda County Measure D Local Action Plan for Climate Protection Assembly Bill 32 75 diversion by 2010 Reduce GHG emissions to 25 below 2005 levels. Comments on the Plan are due Jand your Bicycle Coalition is pushing to have the Plan significantly improved, even made ‘world-class.’ You can help.Ĭontact the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) and let them know you want ‘Measurable Goals’ in the Countywide Bicycle Plan. Alameda County is updating their Countywide Bicycle Plan and it needs a huge boost when it comes to setting goals for increasing bicycling in the county and for developing a robust implementation plan to achieve those goals.

Arc xt plan alameda county